The Myth of Jesus
- Recommended Reading
Over the last 40 years or so, I have purchased (and read!) all of the following books. They cover a wide range of issues that arise
in Christian belief. Unlike Christians, I will not impose a type of medieval censorship and I am happy to recommend books even though I may not agree with all or some of their content: I am happy to credit
visitors with the common sense and the reason required to make the necessary judgements. The following publications should be available from the larger book retailers and those selling secondhand books. To avoid lengthy entries, I have only stated the first named author/editor. |
Religious Right: The Greatest Threat to Democracy (2011), A. E. Alexander The Resurrection: A Critical Inquiry (2015), Michael J. Alter Critiques of God: Making the Case Against Belief in God (1976), Peter A. Angeles Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence (2005), Hector Avalos Slavery, Abolitionism, and the Ethics of Biblical Scholarship (2013), Hector Avalos The Bad Jesus: The Ethics of New Testament Ethics (2015), Hector Avalos Leaving the Fold: Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists (2003), Ed. Edward T. Babinski Supernatural Hypocrisy (2011), Kelli Jae Baeli Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist? (1992), Dan Barker Godless (2008), Dan Barker God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction (2016), Dan Barker Fundamentalism (1981), James Barr Escaping From Fundamentalism (1984), James Barr The Religion Business. Cashing in on God (2012), 'Ben' Bennetts The God Problem: How a Godless Cosmos Creates (2016), Howard Bloom Close Encounters with the Religious Right (2000), Robert Boston The Most Dangerous Man in America? (1996), Robert Boston Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought (2002), Pascal Boyer Behind the Scenes (1997), Yves Brault Deadly Blessings (1991), Richard J. Brenneman Self-Contradictions of the Bible (2015), William Henry Burr Bible Prophecy: Failure or Fulfillment? (1997), Tim Callahan Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism, Feminism and the American Girl (2010), Susan Campbell On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt (2014), Richard Carrier Jesus from Outer Space: What the Earliest Christians Really Believed about Christ (2020), Richard Carrier The Mind of the Bible-Believer (1994), Edmund D. Cohen All That's Wrong with the Bible: Contradictions, Absurdities, and More (2017), Jonah David Conner The Hallelujah Revolution (1995), Ian Cotton Why Evolution is True (2010), Jerry A. Coyne Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible (2016), Jerry A. Coyne Why I Believed: Reflections of a Former Missionary (2008), Kenneth W Daniels Leaving Fundamentalism (2008), G. E. Dann The Blind Watchmaker (2006), Richard Dawkins The God Delusion, (2007), Richard Dawkins The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution (2010), Richard Dawkins The Ape-man Within (1996), L. Sprague de Camp Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How it Drives Civilisation (2012), Stephen Cave The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution (2010), Richard Dawkins The God Delusion (2016), Richard Dawkins The Jesus Puzzle (2005), Earl Doherty Challenging the Verdict (2001), Earl Doherty Blind Faith. Confronting Contemporary Religion (1995), Chester Dolan Nonbelief and Evil (1998), Theodore M. Drange The Christ Myth (rep. 2012), Arthur Drews Lost Scriptures (2005), Bart D. Ehrman Lost Christianities (2005), Bart D. Ehrman Misquoting Jesus (2007), Bart D. Ehrman Whose Word Is It? (2008), Bart D. Ehrman God's Problem (2009), Bart D. Ehrman Jesus Interrupted (2010), Bart D. Ehrman Natural Atheism (2004), David Eller Atheism Advanced: Further Thoughts of a Freethinker (2008), David Eller The Dark Side of Christian History (2007), Helen Ellerbe The Non-existence of God (2020), Nicholas Everitt The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts (2002), I. Finkelstein & N. A. Silberman Jesus: Mything in Action, Vol. I (2017), David Fitzgerald Jesus: Mything in Action, Vol. II (2017), David Fitzgerald Jesus: Mything in Action, Vol. III (2017), David Fitzgerald The Myth of the Lord Jesus Christ, and How It Grew (2001), Milton L. Forbes Creationism's Trojan Horse (2007), B. Forrest Black Sheep: My Journey from Evangelical Christianity to Atheism (2019), Cassie Fox The Unauthorized Version (2006), Robin Lane Fox Marjoe (1973), Steven S. Gaines The Jesus Hoax (1974), Phyllis Graham The God Argument: The Case Against Religion and for Humanism (2014), A. C. Grayling 101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History (2002), Gary Greenberg Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion (1993), Stewart E. Guthrie Prophecy and Politics (1989), Grace Halsell Forcing God's Hand (1993. Rev. 2003), Grace Halsell The Not-So-Intelligent Designer: Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not (2016), Abby Hafer The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason (2006), Sam Harris Letter to a Christian Nation (2007), Sam Harris Holy Hatred (1995), James A. Haught Holy Horrors (2003), James A. Haught Gospel Fictions (1990), Randel Helms Selling Satan (1993), Mike Hertenstein In Pursuit of Satan (1991), Robert D. Hicks God is Not Great (2007), Christopher Hitchens Sources of the Jesus Tradition (2010), ed. R. Joseph Hoffman Jesus in History and Myth (1986), ed. R.J. Hoffmann The Illusion of Certainty: How the Flawed Beliefs of Religion Harm Our Culture (2017), James T. Houk Charismania: When Christian Fundamentalism Goes Wrong (1997), Roland Howard Jesus Wars (2010), Philip Jenkins The Atheist Debater's Handbook (1983), B. C. Johnson I Had to Say Something (2007), Mike Jones Atheism: A Reader (2000), S. T. Joshi A History of the End of the World (2007), Jonathan Kirsch Doubting Jesus' Resurrection (2009), Kris D. Komarnitsky A Universe From Nothing (2012), Lawrence M. Krauss The Illusion of Immortality (1990), Corliss Lamont Walking Away from Jesus - Leaving Christian Conservative Evangelical Fundamentalism (2013), Robert Laynton Arguing for Atheism: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (1996), Robin Le Poidevin The Gods Have Landed (1995), James R. Lewis (Ed) God Doesn't; We Do: Only Humans Can Solve Human Challenges (2012), James A. Lindsay Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith (2009), William Lobdell Why I Rejected Christianity: A Former Apologist Explains (2006), John W. Loftus Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails (2010), ed. John W. Loftus The End of Christianity (2011), ed. John W. Loftus Christianity Is Not Great: How Faith Fails (2014), John W. Loftus Christianity in the Light of Science: Critically Examining the World's Largest Religion (2016), John W. Loftus The Case Against Miracles, (2019), John Loftus Why I Rejected Christianity: A Former Apologist Explains (2006), John W. Loftus Biblical Nonsense (2005), Jason Long The Unholy in Holy Scripture (1997), Gerd Ludemann Who Wrote the New Testament? (1996), Burton L. Mack Atheism and the Case Against Christ (2012), Matthew S. McCormick Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion in America (2009), Robert S. McElvaine In the Beginning. A Scientist Shows Why the Creationists Are Wrong (1984), Chris McGowan The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy (1995), Dennis McKinsey The Mythmaker's Magic: Behind the Illusion of "Creation Science" (1993), Delos B. McKown The Case Against Christianity (1991), Michael Martin The Impossibility of God (2004), ed. Michael Martin The Improbability of God (2004), ed. Michael Martin The Cambridge Companion to Atheism (2006), Michael Martin Ministry of Greed (1988), Larry Martz Don't Call Me Brother (1989), Austin Miles Setting the Captives Free (1990), Austin Miles Atheist Universe (2006), David Mills The Myth of Persecution (2013), Candida Moss The Soul Fallacy: What Science Shows We Gain from Letting Go of Our Soul Beliefs (2019), Julien Musolino Philosophy & Atheism (1985), Kai Nielsen The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World (2018), Catherine Nixey Healing: A Doctor in Search of a Miracle, (1974), William Nolen In Defence of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism and Islam (2008), Michael Onfray The Origin of Satan (1995), Elaine Pagels The Age of Reason (rep. 2013), Thomas Paine God and the Burden of Proof (1990), Keith M. Parsons The Nativity: A Critical Examination (2012), Jonathan Pearce Not Seeing God: Atheism in the 21st Century (2017), Jonathan MS Pearce Beyond An Absence of Faith: Stories About the Loss of Faith and the Discovery of Self (2021), Jonathan MS Pearce Why I Am Atheist and Not a Theist: How to Do Knowledge, Meaning, and Morality in a Godless World (2021), Jonathan MS Pearce The Problem with "God": Classical Theism under the Spotlight (2021), Jonathan MS Pearce The Resurrection: A Critical Examination of the Easter Story (2021), Jonathan M.S. Pearce Tower of Babel (2000), Robert T. Pennock Unintelligent Design (2003), Mark Perakh Scientists Confront Intelligent Design and Creationism (2007), ed. A. J. Petto Arguing for Atheism: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (1996), Robin Le Poidevin The Jesus Debate (1999), Mark Allan Powell Deciphering the Gospels: Proves Jesus Never Existed (2018), R. G. Price Deconstructing Jesus (2000), Robert M. Price The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man (2003), Robert M. Price The Empty Tomb (2005), ed Robert M. Price Reason-Driven Life: What Am I Here on Earth For? (2006), Robert M. Price The Pre-Nicene New Testament: Fifty-Four Formative Texts (2006), Robert M. Price Beyond Born Again (2008), Robert M. Price The Case Against the Case for Christ (2010), Robert M. Price The Christ-Myth Theory and Its Problems (2012), Robert M. Price Jesus is Dead (2012), Robert M. Price The Amazing Colossal Apostle: The Search for the Historical Paul (2012), Robert M. Price Killing History: Jesus in the No-Spin Zone (2014), Robert M. Price Jesus Christ Superstition (2019), Robert M. Price American Jesus (2004), Stephen Prothero Live From the Gates of Hell (2000), Jerry Reiter Bad Girls and Boys Go to Hell (or Not): Engaging Fundamentalist Evangelicalism (2012), Gloria Neufeld Redekop One Jesus, Many Christs (2009), Gregory J. Riley The Myth of Nazareth: The Invented Town of Jesus (2013), Rene Salm Let's Get Biblical!: Why doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah? Vols 1 and 2 (2014), Tovia Singer Why Atheism? (2000), George H. Smith Animal Liberation and Atheism (2014), Kim Socha Forgiven (1989), Charles E. Shepard How We Believe: The Search for God in an Age of Science (2000), Michael Shermer Why Darwin Matters (2006), Michael Shermer Atheism: The Case Against God (1994), George H. Smith The Theory of Evolution (2008), John Maynard Smith Atheism Explained: From Folly to Philosophy (2008), David Ramsay Steele Not by Design: The Origin of the Universe (1988), Victor J. Stenger Physics and Psychics: The Search for a World Beyond the Senses (1990), Victor J. Stenger God: The Failed Hypothesis (2007), Victor J. Stenger God and the Folly of Faith (2012), Victor J. Stenger Imagine There's No Heaven: How Atheism Helped Create the Modern World (2014), Mitchell Stephens Science and Earth History (1999), Arthur N. Strahler Salvation For Sale (1988), Gerald Thomas Straud : The Gospel Time Bomb (1994), Lowell D. Streiker It Ain't Necessarily So (2001), Matthew Sturgis The Messiah Myth: The Near Eastern Roots of Jesus and David (2006), Thomas L. Thompson Creation's Upside-Down Pyramid (1994), Lee Tiffin How to Prove god Does Not Exist: The Complete Guide to Validating Atheism (2012), Trevor Treharne New Testament Lies (2006), Daniel T. Unterbrink The Changing Faces of Jesus (2001), Geza Vermes The Bad News Bible (1995), David Voas The Illusion of God's Presence: The Biological Origins of Spiritual Longing (2016), John C. Wathey The Jesus of the Early Christians (1971), G. A. Wells Did Jesus Exist? (1975, rep. 1987), G. A. Wells The Historical Evidence for Jesus (1982, rep. 1988), G. A. Wells Religious Postures: Essays on Modern Christian Apologists and Religious Problems (1988), G. A. Wells Who Was Jesus? A Critique of the New Testament Record (1989), G. A. Wells The Jesus Legend (1996), G. A. Wells The Jesus Myth (1999), G. A. Wells Can We Trust the New Testament? (2004), G. A. Wells Cutting Jesus Down to Size: What Higher Criticism Has Achieved and Where It Leaves Christianity (2009), G. A. Wells God Hates You, Hate Him Back (2009), C. J. Werleman Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World (2017), Tim Whitmarsh Unintelligent Design (2007), Robyn Williams How Jesus Became Christian (2009), Barrie Wilson How to Get Rich as a Televangelist or Faith Healer (2008), Bill Wilson Leaving the Fold (2006), Marlene Winell The Evolution Of God: The origins of our beliefs (2010), Robert Wright Bible Problems: Contradictions, Factual Errors, and Evil Moral Teachings in the Bible (2015), Jayson X The Jesus the Jews Never Knew (2003), Frank Zindler Seeing through Christianity: A Critique of Beliefs and Evidence (2014), Bill Zuersher Christ's Ventriloquists (2012), Eric Zuesse |