The Myth of Jesus

- Infidels website links

   As the Links page reveals, there are many excellent websites dealing with the illogical nature of Christian belief. One such site is, and the following articles are examples of what may be found there (many more are listed on the Links page). As Christians seem to have a serious difficulty in grasping what is meant by the term 'evidence', I have selected some, which are shown below, that deal with this particular aspect.

dotA Critique of Fundamentalism: Steven J. Conifer

dotBiblical Contradictions; Donald Morgan

dotArgument From Design - articles

dotBeyond Born Again - the personal savior: Robert Price

dotChrist a Fiction: Robert Price

dotMistakes of Jesus: William Floyd

dotNew Testament Contradictions: Paul Carlson

dotThe Argument from the Bible: Theodore M. Drange

dotThe Canon of the Bible: Larry A. Taylor

dotThe Fabulous Prophecies Of The Messiah: Jim Lippard

dotEarliest Christianity: G.A. Wells

dotA Resurrection Debate: The New Testament Evidence in Evangelical and in Critical Perspective: G. A. Wells

dot Best-selling Errancy: An Essay On Inconsistencies In The Bible: Mark Ball

dot By This Time He Stinketh: the Attempts of William Lane Craig to Exhume Jesus: Robert Price

dot Critique of John Warwick Montgomery's Arguments for the Legal Evidence For Christianity: Richard Packham

dot The Errancy of Fundamentalism Disproves the God of the Bible: Niclas Berggren

dot Historical Evidence And The Empty Tomb Story: Jeff Lowder

dot Historicity of Jesus FAQ: Scott Oser

dot Two Examples of Faulty Bible Scholarship: Richard Carrier

dot The Problem with Jesus' Arrest and Trial: James Still

dot 'Reply' by Farrell Till:      Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Postscript